
Frequently Asked Questions

Are you Christian or CatholicC.A.S.H. Is secular meaning not pertaining to God we encourage our members to come to their own beliefs regarding the existence of a God.
What God do you believe in?We do not believe in a Single God. C.A.S.H.’s Higher Power is Music. We believe music is a divine power not just has divine power.
Do you encourage illegal drug use?NO C.A.S.H does not condone breaking any laws. We do encourage our members to expand their minds (using legal methods according their local laws) this may be through the use of Cannabis or Alcohol or nothing at all, we in no way at all require the use of substances.
What about decisions regarding my body?C.A.S.H. Does not step in and tell you what you should do with your body. Your body is exclusively yours do with it as you wish.
What do are your beliefs towards LGBTQ+C.A.S.H. IS LOVE! We in no way want to tell you who you can or can’t love as love has no boundaries. We accept and love you as you are no questions asked!
What is a C.A.S.H. service like?A cash service is a get together of members where you will be provided with Cannabis/Alcohol at no charge it’s included in your membership dues. We hang out for approximately 1/2 hour to an Hour. Afterwards Our 1st Counselor will go over any important things to note. Then High Priest Ferret will have a message for the service, Afterwards any new Baptisms are performed, Followed by a showing of a relevant Film or some Comedy to round the night out.
Are there membership fees?C.A.S.H. has an initial $20 Baptism and Joining fee(This covers your membership kit Shirt, Lanyard, ID) . Afterwards $10 per month. This goes towards services, expanding, and helping members when necessary.
Can children join?NO you must be 21 to be a member of cash and attend any services due to the nature of our services.