Memo On Drugs
The Church of agnostic secular humanisms Stance on Drug Abuse
From time to time, we see people approaching the Church with questions regarding the C.A.S.H stance on illegal drug use, attempting to characterize the freewheeling use and abuse of such substances as being freedom of choice and questioning our belief on it.
The Church of Agnostic Secular Humanism does not condone illegal activities. If the use of certain drugs is illegal in your country of residence, they are simply that: illegal.
Individuals who choose to ignore this and break the law do so at their own risk and will not get any help from the church on this matter. Their actions as individuals shall not be construed as being sanctioned by the Church. The Church is not responsible for their actions, and will not be used as an excuse for their behavior while partaking in any illegal substance or the over use of a legal substance that alters the mind. As an adult you are responsible for you, period. If you are one of these lawbreakers, you are on your own. You make your own personal choice as to what you do as an individual. We make our own personal choices, as individuals, with regard to how we view you, based on the choices you make and your behavior.
If a substance is legal,you may or may not choose to indulge in it. Recreation and or medical use is our stance on drug use of any kind. Meaning addiction is not a sign of weakness but a non belief in what C.A.S.H holds dear friendship and the ability to ask members for help and guidence in any situation.  Since survival of C.A.SH and its members  is of Manics highest priority, no member shall ruin or poison his or her body, even if it is legal to do so. This is an important distinction. Self-destructive, suicidal behavior is ultimately the biggest sin in our belief system, as it threatens the very thing you should as a member hold in the most highest regard, his/her own life.
This is the bottom line on this there is no if and or but on this.
The Church of Agnostic Secular Humanism
1.       Music is the total and uninhibited belief in the self and its freedom of expression.
2.       Music and its makers is the link to your inner god and soul not a belief in the unheard and unseen.
3.       Music represents Mindfulness and self worth not the perceptions and restraints of orthodox religions.
4.       Music represents kindness to your chosen family and the ability to close yourself off from those that choose to judge or do you harm.
5.       Music represents your ability to only conform to and give power over yourself worth to your thoughts and your chosen partners.
6.       Music represents your ability to only have a “Marital” relationship with one you truly respect and love if you do not have that within your relationship than statement 5 can not be achieved.
7.       Music represents the undeniable fact that we are part of the animal kingdom and therefore have a need to give into our carnal desires wants and needs they are not to be looked down upon or judged as we do not judge a dog for lying with another dog of any sex or any unusual behavior they act in if it does not hurt another.
8.       Music represents that two consenting adults that are not hurting anyone else have the freedom to do what they want in their own bedroom. And to show their passion for eachother in public within the laws of their place of residence.  Ie kissing handholding regardless of their orientations.
9.       Music is in essence the be all end all without it…..what would there be …for one there would be no C.A.S.H.